Will AI Kill SEO? Not Likely!

industry experts argue that while AI will undoubtedly transform SEO, it is far from "killing" it. Instead, AI and SEO are poised to evolve together, shaping the future of digital marketing in ways tha...
Will AI Kill SEO? Not Likely!
Written by John Overbee
  • The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a myriad of debates about its potential to disrupt industries, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is no exception. The rise of AI-powered search engines and content generation tools has led to speculation that traditional SEO might be on the verge of extinction. However, industry experts argue that while AI will undoubtedly transform SEO, it is far from “killing” it. Instead, AI and SEO are poised to evolve together, shaping the future of digital marketing in ways that we are only beginning to understand.

    The Evolution of SEO in the AI Era

    Eli Schwartz, the author of Product-Led SEO, offers a compelling perspective on the future of SEO in the AI age. “Many people think AI will kill SEO. Maybe one day, but that day will be long into the future,” Schwartz asserts. His optimism is rooted in the belief that human beings will always desire multiple options to choose from, whether in product offerings, services, or information searches. “Until AI is implanted in every brain and can make choices better than ourselves, humans will always desire multiple options to then choose the perfect fit.”

    Schwartz’s view highlights a critical point: SEO is about optimizing to be in the choice set, regardless of how that choice set evolves. Whether AI narrows the selection to three choices or expands it to fifteen, the essence of SEO will remain the same—ensuring that your content or product is among the top options presented to users.

    AI’s Impact on SEO Strategies

    Artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing how businesses approach SEO. Earl C., a SaaS consultant, points out that AI improves the efficiency, accuracy, and relevance of search engine results, but it also introduces new complexities. “Understanding the role of AI in SEO is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance their online visibility,” he says. AI’s ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data quickly has already revolutionized keyword research, content creation, and user experience optimization.

    One of the significant changes AI brings to SEO is in how search engines understand and respond to queries. AI technologies like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning enable search engines to comprehend the context and intent behind user queries better than ever before. As a result, SEO strategies must adapt by focusing on creating content that aligns with user intent, not just stuffing pages with keywords.

    Will AI Replace Human-Driven SEO?

    Despite AI’s advancements, many experts believe that AI will not replace the need for human-driven SEO. Wajahat Ali, an SEO Executive, argues, “I don’t think that AI could really replace SEO. Because it is a process to make your entity available to users. And this takes experience, time, and skills that only humans could provide.” This sentiment is echoed by others who believe that AI is a tool to augment SEO efforts, not replace them.

    For instance, Gary Longsine, a Fractional CTO, suggests that while AI might make some traditional SEO practices obsolete, it will also create new opportunities. “AI has the potential to provide a more efficient means to answer many ‘informational query’ searches,” he says. However, Longsine also warns that this efficiency could lead to the decline of websites that rely solely on SEO-driven traffic. “To the extent that many of those sites were sustained by an advertising revenue model, those sites are dead sites walking.”

    The Human Element in SEO

    AI’s integration into SEO also brings ethical considerations to the forefront. As Amara Omoregie, a fractional CMO, points out, “We are so far away from (Generative) AI killing SEO. The problems with search are the same problems that will plague AI. There’s more inaccurate, repetitive, thin, unhelpful content than ever before.” Omoregie stresses the importance of companies understanding the divergence in content strategy that needs to happen to remain relevant in the AI era. “Generative AI may be ahead of its time and may not be helpful in search for a long time,” she adds.

    This highlights a crucial aspect of SEO that AI cannot replicate: the human touch. Creating content that resonates with audiences, understands cultural nuances, and builds genuine connections is something AI struggles to achieve. As Schwartz succinctly puts it, “SEO is about optimizing to be in the choice set in whatever form that ends up being.”

    Adapting to the AI-SEO Landscape

    The integration of AI into SEO is inevitable, and businesses must adapt to stay competitive. AI can assist in several key areas, such as keyword strategy, content creation, and continuous monitoring of SEO performance. Utilizing AI tools to analyze search volume, generate high-quality content, and track real-time performance can give businesses an edge in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

    However, as Schwartz advises, the goal should not be to replace human insight with AI but to leverage AI as a powerful tool that enhances SEO efforts. “SEO will evolve, not vanish. Adapting to changes is key for staying relevant,” says Anees Ahmad, an off-page SEO expert. This evolution will likely see SEO professionals focusing more on enhancing a brand’s overall visibility and legitimacy, rather than just chasing rankings.

    The Future of SEO: A Hybrid Approach

    As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the future of SEO will likely involve a hybrid approach, combining AI’s analytical power with human creativity and strategic thinking. AI can handle the data-heavy aspects of SEO, such as keyword research and content optimization, while humans provide the creativity, empathy, and ethical oversight that ensure content is relevant, engaging, and trustworthy.

    In conclusion, while AI will undoubtedly transform SEO, it is unlikely to kill it. Instead, AI and SEO will continue to evolve together, shaping the future of digital marketing in ways that will benefit businesses and consumers alike. As long as humans have the need to search, there will be a need for SEO. And as Schwartz aptly summarizes, “As long as the human being has the need to search, there shall be search optimization. It will evolve like everything else; the only constant is the power of change.”

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