BrandBuildingPro Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Mon, 23 Sep 2024 13:15:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BrandBuildingPro 32 32 138578674 How 818 Tequila and Kendall Jenner Created a Different Kind of Celebrity Brand Mon, 23 Sep 2024 13:10:36 +0000 Tune in to hear how Kendall Jenner redefined celebrity brands with 818 Tequila!


In an era where celebrity-backed alcohol brands seem to pop up every other month, Kendall Jenner’s 818 Tequila has not only managed to stand out but has also become one of the fastest-growing brands in the competitive tequila market. While many celebrity ventures into spirits rely heavily on star power and flashy marketing, 818 Tequila has taken a markedly different approach by focusing on craftsmanship, community, and sustainability—elements that differentiate it from a crowded field of celebrity-endorsed products.

A Vision Beyond Celebrity Hype

When Kendall Jenner launched 818 Tequila in 2021, the initial reaction was, unsurprisingly, one of skepticism. Celebrity alcohol brands were already saturating the market, and many wondered if Jenner’s foray into the tequila world would be another vanity project. However, 818 quickly began to carve out its space. “What we did is we took Kendall’s vision and put it into a business plan with three fundamental pillars: having good times with friends, quality craftsmanship, and social responsibility,” says Mike Novy, CEO of 818 Tequila and Calabasas Beverage Company, in a recent interview with Yahoo Finance.

Novy highlights that 818 Tequila wasn’t designed to be just another celebrity brand leveraging a famous name. Instead, it was conceived with a clear mission that aligns with both market trends and consumer values. “Because we are doing all three of those things—craftsmanship, good times, and social responsibility—in harmony, we’ve separated ourselves from the pack,” he explained.

Quality Over Hype

The tequila industry is fiercely competitive, with high-end brands like Patrón, Casamigos, and Don Julio dominating the premium segment. To stand out, 818 Tequila had to offer more than just a recognizable face. According to Novy, the focus on quality craftsmanship has been a cornerstone of their strategy. “We’re not cutting corners in how we produce our tequila. Every bottle reflects the time and care that goes into its creation,” he said.

The company sources its blue agave from family-owned farms in Jalisco, Mexico, and places a strong emphasis on traditional production methods. “Kendall is involved in every step of the process, ensuring that the product we put out meets her high standards,” Novy added. This hands-on involvement from Jenner is one of the key factors that sets 818 apart from other celebrity brands. Rather than simply endorsing the product, Jenner is intricately involved in its marketing and development, which resonates with a new generation of consumers looking for authenticity.

Social Responsibility at Its Core

Perhaps the most surprising element of 818 Tequila’s success is its commitment to social and environmental responsibility, an area not often associated with the tequila industry. “We’re one of only two tequila distilleries that are B Corp certified, meaning that we meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance,” Novy explained. This certification is a rare accolade in the spirits world and reflects the brand’s deep commitment to sustainable practices.

One of the standout initiatives is 818’s use of tequila production waste to create sustainable building materials. Novy shared that they mix the liquid and fiber byproducts from tequila-making with adobe clay to form bricks. These bricks have been used to build a library in Zapotlanejo, Mexico, which teaches sustainable agriculture to local communities. “It’s not just about making a great product. It’s about giving back to the communities where our tequila is made,” said Novy.

Additionally, 818 Tequila is a member of 1% for the Planet, an organization that connects businesses to environmental nonprofits. By pledging 1% of sales to environmental causes, 818 further embeds sustainability into its brand ethos. This socially responsible approach has resonated with younger, eco-conscious consumers who are increasingly factoring sustainability into their purchasing decisions.

Staying Ahead of Market Trends

Beyond the unique elements of its brand story, 818 Tequila has benefited from larger shifts in the alcohol industry. Tequila has been one of the fastest-growing spirits categories, and though that growth has slowed slightly, it remains a dominant force. “Tequila sales have been rising, but there’s definitely been some flattening. What we’re seeing is a shift towards ‘less but better,’ where consumers are being more deliberate about their purchases,” Novy noted. This shift aligns perfectly with 818’s focus on quality and sustainability, positioning the brand well for continued success.

The rise of ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktails is another trend that 818 has embraced. RTDs have become a massive growth driver in the alcohol industry, catering to consumers looking for convenience without sacrificing quality. “Ready-to-drink is a huge category, and we see a lot of growth potential there,” said Novy. While the company hasn’t yet launched an RTD line, it’s clear that 818 is keeping a close eye on consumer trends and is prepared to evolve as the market changes.

The Power of Authentic Influence

Of course, Jenner’s celebrity status has played a significant role in 818’s visibility, but her involvement goes far beyond being the face of the brand. “Kendall’s really important because she has her finger on the pulse of what consumers want. She’s constantly helping us shift and move in terms of our messaging and our strategy,” Novy explained.

Jenner’s ability to connect with her audience—an audience that is highly engaged and values authenticity—has been instrumental in the brand’s rapid growth. Unlike some other celebrity-backed ventures that feel disconnected from the stars promoting them, 818 Tequila benefits from Jenner’s personal engagement and alignment with the brand’s values.

“Kendall speaks directly to our consumers, and those consumers are not just fans—they’re advocates for the brand,” Novy emphasized. This deep connection between Jenner and her audience has given 818 a platform that few other celebrity brands can replicate. It’s not just about her name—it’s about the lifestyle and values she embodies, which align perfectly with the product.

A New Kind of Celebrity Brand

818 Tequila represents a new wave of celebrity-endorsed brands that go beyond surface-level marketing. While star power is still an essential ingredient, the success of 818 is rooted in its commitment to quality, sustainability, and authentic consumer engagement. “We didn’t want to be just another celebrity brand. We wanted to create something meaningful,” Novy reflected.

In a saturated market, this blend of craftsmanship, responsibility, and strategic influence has helped 818 Tequila carve out a unique space. With Kendall Jenner at the helm, the brand is not just selling tequila—it’s selling a lifestyle that resonates with today’s consumers. And as the tequila industry continues to evolve, 818 is well-positioned to remain a standout player, proving that celebrity brands, when done right, can be more than just a passing trend.

SEO + CRO is the Winning Combo: Why Traffic Alone Isn’t Enough to Drive Growth Thu, 05 Sep 2024 13:33:39 +0000 For years, search engine optimization (SEO) has been hailed as the holy grail of digital marketing. But focusing solely on traffic metrics is a trap that many businesses fall into, believing that increased visitors will automatically translate into more sales. The reality? Not quite. As Luke Carthy, an eCommerce SEO and conversion consultant, put it in a recent LinkedIn post, “Sometimes SEO can ‘win,’ and yet the business can still lose.” This hard truth has emerged for countless brands that invest heavily in SEO without giving equal attention to conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Why Traffic Alone Doesn’t Cut It

Driving traffic to your website is only half the battle. “Traffic is up, significantly compared to 6/12 months prior. However, sales, unfortunately, haven’t bestowed the same growth,” says Carthy. It’s a scenario many businesses are familiar with—pumping thousands into SEO, only to find themselves with little to show for it other than higher site visits. As Carthy notes, the all-eggs-in-one-basket SEO approach might win the traffic war but not the sales war.

A major issue for many businesses is the over-reliance on SEO metrics like organic traffic and keyword rankings. However, these indicators don’t always equate to business success. Martynas Mandrijauskas, an SEOpreneur, points out a common pitfall: “It seems like you’ve been focusing on higher-volume keywords instead of targeting low-volume, high-conversion-rate hidden gems. This strategy might have increased your traffic, but it hasn’t translated into sales.”

The Role of CRO in Maximizing ROI

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) plays a crucial role in transforming traffic into revenue. It focuses on improving the user experience (UX) on your website, streamlining the customer journey from click to conversion. Carthy emphasizes, “Traffic must be combined with initiatives to boost conversion and optimize UX in order to maximize returns and drive true growth.” The reality is that a surge in traffic will do little if visitors bounce off the site due to a poor UX or an overly complex purchasing process.

Michael Ralph, co-founder of MEGA SEO, shares a similar sentiment: “More traffic without more sales just costs more in a number of ways. It also diverts budget.” By optimizing the website for conversions, businesses can ensure that every visitor has a better chance of becoming a paying customer, thereby maximizing the return on SEO investments.

The Danger of Vanity Metrics

One of the major issues with relying purely on SEO is the emphasis on vanity metrics. Metrics like traffic volume, click-through rate (CTR), and impressions might look impressive on a report, but they don’t tell the full story. As Alana D., a marketing strategist, puts it, “Traffic alone is often just a vanity metric. It doesn’t tell you whether those visitors are qualified or if they’re aligned with your business goals.”

Kevin Kapezi, an SEO expert, echoes this sentiment: “We have to remind ourselves that we are hired to grow business sales and that’s the true measure of things. I’m sure they’d be happy if clicks/impressions were down and sales were on the up and up.” In essence, it’s far more valuable to have fewer visitors who convert at a higher rate than to bring in a flood of traffic that doesn’t move the sales needle.

The SEO + CRO Formula for Success

The key to success in digital marketing is the marriage of SEO and CRO. SEO drives the traffic, but CRO converts that traffic into paying customers. It’s a simple equation but one that many businesses overlook. “SEO + CRO really is a winning combo,” says Carthy.

This approach ensures that businesses are not just casting a wide net but are effectively capturing the right kind of audience—the type of visitors who are ready to make a purchase. By focusing on conversion alongside SEO, businesses can optimize their user journey, reduce bounce rates, and increase sales.

As Gert Mellak, an SEO consultant, notes, “On top of SEO, one of the first things we always establish is soft and hard conversions to check on traffic quality.” It’s not enough to just drive traffic to a site; businesses need to understand how that traffic behaves and where they can improve to facilitate conversions. After all, the ultimate goal of any digital marketing strategy is not to rank high on Google but to generate real business results.

Integrating SEO and CRO for Long-Term Growth

An integrated strategy combining SEO with CRO and UX optimization is essential for sustainable growth. Focusing on SEO alone can lead to missed opportunities, wasted budget, and ultimately, frustration. As Luke Carthy warns, “The all-eggs-in-SEO approach doesn’t work, and even if it does, it doesn’t maximize returns on your investments if you’ve neglected user experience.”

Businesses must shift their focus from pure traffic growth to holistic strategies that encompass user experience, conversion, and long-term customer value. In other words, traffic is only part of the equation—without strong CRO, it’s like “filling a shop with customers who never buy,” as Carthy puts it.

It might seem obvious, but it’s well worth a re-focus: SEO + CRO is the winning combo. By integrating these two powerful strategies, brands can not only attract visitors but also convert them into loyal customers, driving meaningful, long-term growth.

The Changing Game: Online Reviews and Construction Brand Awareness Tue, 03 Sep 2024 19:35:46 +0000 Digital marketing has brought with it a whole host of new possibilities for getting your name out there. There are more ways than ever to connect your brand with new audiences, and different solutions are available when you find that your business is stagnating.

Online reviews are a core part of that – giving a voice to every customer and allowing them to have their say, potentially impacting the future success of a business. The way that this differs in construction from something more immediate, like hospitality, is both more and less than what you might expect.

Working With People

No matter what kind of business you find yourself in, there will inevitably be a time when you need to interface directly with the customers. This might be a regular part of your routine – again, as it might be in hospitality – but it might also be that it only occurs when a complaint is made. In either case, you need to be ready to give the kind of customer service that will leave the client feeling as though they were listened to. While receiving negative feedback can be a confrontational situation, you have the ability to try and turn it on its head, diffusing it and making it something positive.

A review left for your business might incur this exact situation, and while you might be unhappy about the negative attention it brings to your business, showcasing in your reply that you’re willing to listen and learn might reflect more positively on you than starting an argument.

Where the Focus Is

Additionally, it’s important to understand that online reviews are a simple fact of modern businesses. Trying to spend all of your time replying to them or engineering them so that it feels as though they’re painting the kind of picture that you want might end up being counterproductive.

The reviews, after all, are (usually) left by people who have worked directly with you. That means that what they’re going to be reviewing is the quality that your brand has to offer. Focusing your attention directly on this quality in business means having a skilled and productive workforce, the right tools like portable batch plants or impact crushers, depending on what the job demands, and again, that strong sense of customer service. If all of these things are in place, there’s no reason the reviews should be anything other than positive.

The Digital Presence

However, what the prominence of these reviews does illustrate is just how many clients and customers will be looking for your brand online. That means that even if you have strong online reviews, you need a digital presence so that new customers can come and see how they can enlist your services for themselves. Stumbling at this hurdle and having an old, outdated website (or worse, no website at all) might indicate to these customers that it’s too much effort to get in touch with you, and they might opt instead for one of your competitors. 

By 2026, 90% of Brand-Related Content Will Be Synthetic: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities for Enterprise Brands Sun, 01 Sep 2024 11:24:29 +0000 As we approach 2026, the landscape of content creation for enterprise brands is undergoing a dramatic transformation. The rise of synthetic AI-generated content is reshaping how brands communicate with their audiences, with predictions indicating that by 2026, 90% of brand-related content will be synthetic. This shift presents both significant challenges and unprecedented opportunities for enterprise brands as they navigate the complexities of integrating AI into their content strategies.

The Economic Imperative Driving Synthetic Content in Enterprises

For enterprise brands, the adoption of synthetic AI content is not just a trend but an economic necessity. The cost of creating high-quality, original content has always been a major investment, requiring skilled professionals, extensive time, and considerable resources. In contrast, AI-driven content creation offers a cost-effective alternative that can produce vast amounts of content quickly and at scale. Vivek Bapat, a global tech executive, emphasizes this shift: “Today’s economics favor AI-generated, synthetic content.”

This economic advantage is particularly compelling for large enterprises that manage extensive content portfolios across multiple channels and markets. The ability to generate content that is not only high-quality but also highly personalized to target specific demographics and regional markets is a game-changer. AI allows brands to create customized content that resonates with diverse audiences, driving engagement and ultimately boosting ROI.

Opportunities for Enhancing Enterprise Marketing Strategies

AI offers enterprise brands a powerful toolset to enhance their marketing strategies in ways that were previously unimaginable. By leveraging AI, brands can automate repetitive tasks, streamline content production, and gain deeper insights into customer behavior. For instance, AI-driven tools can analyze vast datasets to identify patterns and preferences, enabling brands to craft highly targeted campaigns that speak directly to individual consumers.

“AI can significantly enhance marketing strategies by personalizing content and automating data analysis,” explains a marketing expert. In practice, this means that AI can optimize everything from email marketing to social media strategies by predicting the best times to send messages, tailoring content to individual preferences, and even automating responses to customer inquiries. This level of personalization and efficiency is something that human teams alone could never achieve at scale.

Moreover, AI can revolutionize the way enterprises approach customer segmentation. Traditional methods of segmentation often rely on broad categories and assumptions about customer behavior. In contrast, AI can analyze real-time data to create dynamic, nuanced segments that reflect the true diversity of a brand’s customer base. This allows for more precise targeting and more effective marketing strategies.

Challenges of Maintaining Authenticity and Trust

Despite the many advantages of synthetic AI content, enterprise brands face significant challenges in maintaining authenticity and consumer trust. As AI takes on a larger role in content creation, there is a growing concern that the human touch, which is critical to building emotional connections with consumers, will be lost. “Consumers still prefer the Human touch,” notes Bapat, highlighting a key tension in the use of AI for brand communication.

This concern is not unfounded. Studies have shown that while AI can produce content that is technically proficient, it often lacks the creativity, nuance, and emotional depth that human creators bring to the table. Neil Patel, a renowned digital marketing expert, observed that “while AI content predictably reduced production time by a third, human content performed better on both volume and engagement over time.”

For enterprise brands, the challenge lies in finding the right balance between leveraging AI’s efficiency and maintaining the authenticity that consumers crave. This is particularly important in industries where trust and credibility are paramount, such as healthcare, finance, and legal services. In these sectors, the use of synthetic content must be carefully managed to ensure that it does not undermine consumer confidence.

Navigating the Trust Issues Surrounding Synthetic AI Content

The issue of trust is central to the debate over synthetic AI content. While AI offers unparalleled efficiency, it also raises concerns about transparency, ethics, and the potential for misinformation. Dare Obasanjo, a prominent voice in the AI discussion, warns that “the lasting legacy of generative AI will be distrust.” This sentiment reflects a broader skepticism among consumers who fear that AI-generated content may be used to deceive or manipulate them.

Enterprise brands must navigate these trust issues carefully. Transparency is crucial. Brands that openly disclose their use of AI in content creation and explain how it enhances the consumer experience are more likely to build and maintain trust. However, achieving this transparency is no easy task. As one industry expert notes, “The ethical deployment of AI involves transparency about when and how AI is used in content creation.” This means not only being upfront about the use of AI but also ensuring that the content produced aligns with the brand’s values and ethical standards.

Furthermore, the operational risks associated with AI-generated content cannot be overlooked. AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on, and biases or errors in the data can lead to content that is off-brand, culturally insensitive, or even misleading. For enterprise brands, this can result in significant reputational damage. Therefore, rigorous oversight and quality control processes are essential to mitigate these risks.

The Future of Synthetic Content in Enterprise Brands

Looking ahead, the role of synthetic content in enterprise brands is set to expand even further. By 2026, AI-generated content will likely dominate the digital landscape, but this does not mean that human creativity will become obsolete. Instead, the future of content creation will involve a hybrid approach where AI and human creators work together to produce content that is both efficient and authentic.

For enterprise brands, this hybrid approach offers the best of both worlds. AI can handle the heavy lifting of content production, generating vast amounts of content quickly and at scale. Meanwhile, human creators can focus on the creative and strategic aspects of content development, ensuring that the content produced aligns with the brand’s values and resonates with its audience.

However, achieving this balance will require careful planning and strategic foresight. Brands will need to invest in both AI technology and human talent, ensuring that their content teams have the tools and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of AI-driven content creation. This includes not only technical skills but also a deep understanding of consumer psychology, cultural trends, and ethical considerations.

The Strategic Imperative for Enterprise Brands

The rise of synthetic AI content presents a strategic imperative for enterprise brands. Those that can successfully integrate AI into their content strategies while maintaining authenticity and trust will be well-positioned to lead in the digital marketplace. However, this will require more than just adopting new technologies; it will require a fundamental shift in how brands approach content creation.

As Bapat aptly concludes, “The choices we make today hinge on our collective will to shape the world of tomorrow.” For enterprise brands, this means making deliberate choices about how they use AI, ensuring that it serves to enhance rather than replace the human element in brand communication. It means committing to transparency, ethical practices, and a relentless focus on delivering value to the consumer.

In this new era of synthetic content, the brands that thrive will be those that strike the right balance between AI efficiency and human creativity. They will be the ones that recognize the potential of AI to transform content creation while never losing sight of the importance of authenticity, trust, and emotional connection with their audience. The future of brand-related content is undoubtedly synthetic, but the brands that lead will be those that keep the human touch at the heart of their strategies.

How To Build Your Brand in 2024: Cutting Through the Noise Sun, 25 Aug 2024 23:45:59 +0000 Building an enterprise-level brand in 2024 presents a unique set of challenges. As the marketplace becomes increasingly saturated, brands are finding it harder than ever to stand out. With digital platforms constantly evolving and consumer attention spans shrinking, cutting through the noise requires more than just traditional marketing strategies—it demands innovation, authenticity, and a keen understanding of the modern consumer landscape.

Creating s Powerful Narrative

In today’s hyper-connected world, consumers are bombarded with messages from countless brands, all vying for their attention. According to a report by HubSpot, the average consumer is exposed to over 5,000 ads per day. This statistic highlights the enormity of the challenge brands face when trying to make an impact. The key to standing out lies in understanding not just the volume of content, but the context in which it is consumed.

“Building a brand today is about more than just putting out great products or services,” says Andrew Hawrottle, a brand strategist. “It’s about creating a narrative that resonates with your audience on a deeper level. You need to be more than a brand—you need to be a part of your customers’ lives.”

The Importance of Authenticity

One of the most significant trends in branding today is the shift towards authenticity. Consumers, particularly younger generations, are increasingly drawn to brands that are transparent, socially responsible, and authentic. A study by Stackla revealed that 86% of consumers say authenticity is a key factor when deciding what brands they like and support.

Dave Portnoy, founder of Barstool Sports, underscores this point. “In today’s world, people can spot a fake from a mile away. If you’re not being real with your audience, they’re not going to stick around. Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the foundation of trust between a brand and its customers.”

Authenticity goes beyond marketing messages. It encompasses everything from how a brand treats its employees to how it responds to social issues. Consumers are increasingly looking to align themselves with brands that reflect their values. This shift means that brands need to be clear about what they stand for and communicate those values consistently across all platforms.

Leveraging Technology for Personalization

As technology advances, brands have more tools than ever to create personalized experiences for their customers. Personalization is no longer just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity. According to Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers personalized experiences.

“Consumers expect brands to understand them on a personal level,” says Nick Longo, a marketing expert. “If you’re not using data to tailor your messaging and products to your audience, you’re going to get left behind. Personalization is about making your customers feel seen and valued.”

In 2024, this means leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze customer data and predict their needs. Brands like Amazon and Netflix have set the standard for personalization by using sophisticated algorithms to recommend products and content based on user behavior. For enterprise-level brands, the challenge is to adopt similar strategies while maintaining the balance between personalization and privacy.

Navigating Political Distractions

With 2024 being a political year, brands must navigate the complexities of a polarized environment. Consumers are increasingly looking to brands to take a stand on social and political issues, but this can be a double-edged sword. While taking a stand can engender loyalty among certain segments of your audience, it can also alienate others.

Elon Musk, a figure often at the center of controversy, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of free speech and the role of brands in maintaining a space for open dialogue. “In a world where everyone is trying to control the narrative, staying true to your brand’s values and fostering open communication with your audience is crucial. It’s not about pandering to one side or the other—it’s about standing for something that aligns with your brand’s core identity.”

For brands, this means carefully considering their positions on key issues and being prepared to face both support and criticism. The key is to be consistent and authentic in your messaging, ensuring that your stance is a genuine reflection of your brand values.

Creating a Multi-Channel Strategy

In an age where consumers interact with brands across multiple platforms, a multi-channel strategy is essential. This means not only having a presence on various platforms but also ensuring that your messaging is consistent and cohesive across all channels.

Sara Lebow, host of the Reimagining Retail podcast, emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach. “Retail is converging with every part of our lives and every part of the digital media ecosystem. From retail media and social commerce to the relationship between digital and physical commerce, brands need to create a seamless experience for their customers.”

This convergence means that brands must think holistically about their customer journey. Whether a consumer interacts with your brand through social media, a website, or a physical store, the experience should feel connected and consistent. Brands that can successfully integrate their messaging across all touchpoints will be better positioned to cut through the noise.

Building Community

In 2024, building a brand is as much about building a community as it is about selling a product. Brands that can foster a sense of belonging and community among their customers will have a significant competitive advantage. This is particularly important for enterprise-level brands, where customer loyalty can be a key driver of long-term success.

“Community is the new brand loyalty,” says Hawrottle. “Consumers want to feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves. They want to connect with other people who share their values and interests. Brands that can create and nurture these communities will build stronger, more loyal customer bases.”

One way to build community is through user-generated content (UGC). Encouraging your customers to share their experiences with your brand on social media not only provides valuable social proof but also helps to create a sense of belonging among your audience. Brands like GoPro and Lululemon have successfully leveraged UGC to build strong, engaged communities.

The Power of Storytelling

At the heart of every successful brand is a compelling story. In a world full of noise, storytelling is what sets brands apart. A strong narrative can resonate with consumers on an emotional level, creating a deeper connection and fostering loyalty.

“People don’t just buy products—they buy stories,” says Longo. “Your brand’s story is what makes it unique. It’s what connects you with your audience on a deeper level. In 2024, brands that can tell their story in a way that resonates with their audience will have a significant advantage.”

A great example of this is Apple. From its humble beginnings in a garage to its rise as a tech giant, Apple’s story has always been about challenging the status quo and thinking differently. This narrative has been consistently communicated through its marketing and product design, helping to build one of the most loyal customer bases in the world.

Measuring Success

Building a brand in 2024 isn’t just about creating a great logo or a catchy slogan—it’s about creating an experience that resonates with your audience. To do this effectively, brands need to measure their success not just in terms of sales, but also in terms of engagement, loyalty, and brand perception.

“Data is your best friend,” says Lebow. “In today’s digital world, everything is measurable. Brands need to constantly track and analyze their performance across all channels to understand what’s working and what’s not. This data-driven approach allows brands to be agile and make informed decisions that drive growth.”

Tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and customer feedback platforms can provide valuable data that helps brands understand their audience better and refine their strategies. By regularly reviewing this data, brands can ensure they’re on the right track and make adjustments as needed.

Cutting Through the Noise

In 2024, building a brand is more challenging than ever, but it’s also more rewarding. Brands that can navigate the complexities of the modern landscape—by being authentic, leveraging technology, taking a stand, and building communities—will be the ones that succeed in cutting through the noise.

As Portnoy aptly put it, “If you’re not being real with your audience, they’re not going to stick around.” The key to building a successful brand in 2024 lies in being true to your values, understanding your audience, and creating experiences that resonate on a deeper level. In a world full of noise, the brands that stand out are the ones that connect, engage, and inspire.

By embracing these strategies, brands can not only survive but thrive in the competitive landscape of 2024.

Elon Musk: “Sometimes I wonder if I’m too defiant” Tue, 20 Aug 2024 14:16:31 +0000 Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur known for his unfiltered opinions and audacious visions, recently sparked a flurry of discussion on X (formerly Twitter) with a simple yet provocative tweet: “Sometimes I wonder if I’m too defiant.” This seemingly offhand remark quickly became a lightning rod for debate, drawing responses from across the ideological spectrum. It was a moment that encapsulated the complexities of Musk’s public persona—a mix of admiration, criticism, and contemplation.

The Spark of Defiance

Musk’s tweet, with its hint of self-reflection, resonated with many of his followers, who see him as a necessary force of resistance in an increasingly conformist world. For some, Musk’s defiance is not just a character trait but a symbol of the broader struggle against what they perceive as growing authoritarianism.

One user, Donald Henderson (@Love_Freedom69), responded emphatically: “No, you are doing the right thing. Too many people have been canceled and silenced, and if someone didn’t stand up, we were headed towards a really dark place on Earth.” Henderson’s comment reflects a widespread sentiment among Musk’s supporters—an appreciation for his willingness to challenge the status quo and speak out against what they see as an erosion of free speech and individual rights.

Another user, Justin Shultz (@JustinShultz19), echoed this sentiment, stating, “We all have to be [defiant]. I think you are the right amount of defiant. It is up to all of us to stand by our convictions and stand up for what we believe in, and if necessary, fight to defend it. The time for talk and half measures is over.” Shultz’s reply underscores a belief that Musk’s defiance is not only justified but essential in a time when many feel that their voices are being stifled.

A Spectrum of Support

The support for Musk’s defiance comes from various corners, each with its unique perspective. Mike Wood (@DarkLor23277844) framed Musk’s defiance as a patriotic duty, writing, “Defiance is our duty in the face of this obvious government overreach/tyranny. There can be no representative republic when a legal election cannot be held.” Wood’s response highlights the intersection of Musk’s defiance with broader concerns about government overreach and the sanctity of democratic processes.

Similarly, Chris Yansky (@ChrisYansky) captured the essence of Musk’s appeal to a particular strain of American identity, simply stating, “Defiance is the American spirit!!” For Yansky and many others, Musk embodies a rugged individualism and a refusal to bend to external pressures—a trait that resonates deeply in American culture.

A Biblical Parallel

One particularly evocative response came from Ladyred133 (@realestate5701), who drew a biblical parallel to Musk’s defiance. “King David, in the Bible, asked that as well until he was able to, with one slingshot, kill the Goliath that was trying to destroy his kingdom….” This comparison casts Musk as a modern-day David, standing firm against the Goliaths of the world—be they government entities, corporate giants, or societal norms.

The Cautionary Voices

However, not all responses were unconditionally supportive. Genesis (@chong_h_loh) offered a more nuanced perspective, suggesting that while Musk’s defiance is admirable, there may be times when restraint is equally important. “Sometimes yes, maybe you can step back a tad, and your silence can be your action,” Genesis advised. This comment introduces the idea that defiance, while powerful, can sometimes be tempered by strategic silence—an approach that can be just as impactful.

The Broader Implications

Musk’s tweet and the ensuing conversation highlight the delicate balance between defiance and diplomacy in leadership. His actions and statements are often seen as a double-edged sword—capable of cutting through bureaucratic red tape and challenging established norms, but also risking alienation and backlash.

For many, Musk’s defiance is a breath of fresh air in a world where powerful figures often choose caution over candor. JJ (@JINVISIBLEWOMAN) expressed gratitude, stating, “You’re speaking for many people right now who have been silenced for years. It makes my heart happy, and I speak for most of us, WE ARE GRATEFUL!!” This comment encapsulates the deep connection that many of Musk’s followers feel with him, viewing his defiance as a voice for the voiceless.

Yet, the conversation also raises important questions about the limits of defiance. As Musk continues to navigate his role as a public figure and a leader, the tension between standing firm and knowing when to step back will likely remain a central theme in the ongoing narrative of his life and work.

A Reflection on Defiance

In the end, Musk’s tweet serves as a catalyst for a broader discussion about the nature of defiance in the modern world. Is there such a thing as being too defiant? Or is defiance a necessary ingredient in the fight against conformity and authoritarianism? The answers, as reflected in the diverse responses on X, are as varied as the individuals who engage with Musk’s ever-provocative thoughts.

As one user, Cindy Mc (@Mc49Cindy), put it, “Not at all, you are fighting for humanity and plus, your children and loved ones’ future.” In this view, Musk’s defiance is not just a personal trait but a crucial stand for the future—a future that, in the eyes of his supporters, desperately needs leaders willing to defy the norms.

The ongoing dialogue around Musk’s defiance is a testament to the power of a single tweet to ignite complex, multifaceted discussions about leadership, identity, and the direction of society. Whether one sees Musk as a hero or a maverick, there’s no denying that his defiance is shaping the conversation—and possibly the future—of our world.

How Elon Musk’s Political Posts Impact Tesla: A Double-Edged Sword

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is known for his bold vision and boundary-pushing innovations. However, in recent years, Musk has become equally famous for his outspoken presence on social media, particularly when it comes to political commentary. As one of the most influential figures in the tech world, Musk’s political posts on platforms like X (formerly Twitter) have garnered significant attention, sparking debates and sometimes controversy. But how do these political musings impact Tesla, the electric vehicle giant that Musk leads? The answer is complex, involving both potential benefits and risks.

The Power of the Personal Brand

Elon Musk’s personal brand is inextricably linked to Tesla. His visionary leadership and willingness to take risks have propelled Tesla to become one of the most valuable companies in the world. Musk’s direct communication with his millions of followers on social media has played a significant role in shaping public perception of Tesla. His tweets, whether about Tesla’s products, future technologies, or his views on free speech and government regulations, often make headlines and influence Tesla’s stock price.

Musk’s ability to connect directly with consumers has built a loyal fanbase that sees him as more than just a CEO—he’s a thought leader, a disruptor, and in the eyes of some, a hero. This has benefited Tesla immensely, as the company’s brand is often perceived as an extension of Musk’s personality. When Musk speaks, whether positively or negatively, people listen, and that attention often translates into heightened interest in Tesla’s products.

The Risks of Political Polarization

However, Musk’s forays into political commentary carry significant risks, particularly in the polarized political climate of today. His posts have ranged from criticisms of government regulations and lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic to more recent comments on free speech, election integrity, and other hot-button issues. While these posts resonate with some segments of the population, they can alienate others.

For Tesla, whose customer base spans a wide demographic, Musk’s political posts can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, his defiance of conventional norms and his championing of free speech can appeal to libertarians, conservatives, and those who value independence from government oversight. On the other hand, these same posts can deter potential customers who disagree with his views, particularly those who align with more progressive politics.

As one user on X, @TechJunkie88, pointed out, “I love Tesla’s mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, but sometimes I wonder if Musk’s political tweets are turning off a segment of potential buyers who don’t share his views.” This sentiment reflects a broader concern that Musk’s personal opinions could inadvertently create a political litmus test for Tesla’s customers.

Stock Market Reactions

Musk’s political posts also have a direct impact on Tesla’s stock price, which is known for its volatility. Markets are highly sensitive to Musk’s tweets, and his political commentary can sometimes lead to sharp fluctuations in Tesla’s stock value. For instance, when Musk tweeted about his concerns over government overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tesla’s stock experienced a dip, reflecting investor unease about the potential regulatory backlash.

However, the relationship between Musk’s tweets and Tesla’s stock price is not always straightforward. While some of his posts lead to negative market reactions, others have had the opposite effect. For example, when Musk tweeted about Tesla’s involvement in renewable energy and sustainable practices, the stock saw positive gains. The mixed reactions suggest that while Musk’s political posts can introduce volatility, they do not necessarily have a uniformly negative impact on Tesla’s market performance.

Brand Identity and Consumer Perception

Tesla’s brand identity is rooted in innovation, sustainability, and a commitment to transforming the automotive industry. However, Musk’s political posts can sometimes overshadow these core values, leading to a more divisive public image. Some consumers may begin to associate Tesla not just with cutting-edge electric vehicles, but also with Musk’s political stances, which could influence their purchasing decisions.

A recent survey by @MarketInsights, a consumer research firm, found that 12% of respondents who were considering buying a Tesla were hesitant due to Musk’s political posts. As one respondent put it, “I admire Tesla’s technology, but I’m not sure I want to support a company whose CEO has such polarizing political views.” This indicates that while Tesla’s technological innovations remain a strong draw, Musk’s political persona could be a deterrent for some buyers.

Balancing Innovation with Controversy

Despite the risks, it’s important to recognize that Musk’s political posts are part of what makes him a unique and influential figure. His willingness to speak out, even on controversial issues, is a key aspect of his leadership style. However, for Tesla, the challenge lies in balancing Musk’s personal brand with the company’s broader goals and customer base.

Tesla’s board of directors and leadership team must navigate this delicate balance, ensuring that Musk’s political posts do not detract from the company’s mission or alienate potential customers. This may involve clearer communication strategies, where Tesla’s corporate messaging remains focused on its products and mission, while Musk’s personal posts are more clearly delineated as his own opinions.

The Long-Term Impact

Elon Musk’s political posts are unlikely to stop anytime soon, given his outspoken nature and commitment to free speech. For Tesla, the impact of these posts will continue to be a topic of discussion among investors, consumers, and industry analysts. While there are risks involved, Musk’s defiance and willingness to challenge the status quo are also key elements of what has made Tesla a trailblazer in the automotive industry.

In the end, Tesla’s success will likely depend on its ability to stay true to its core values of innovation and sustainability, while managing the complexities of its CEO’s public persona. As one user, @InnovateToday, summed it up, “Tesla is bigger than Musk’s tweets. The cars speak for themselves, and as long as the company continues to innovate, it will thrive, regardless of the noise.” Whether Musk’s political posts are a boon or a bane for Tesla remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: they will continue to be a defining feature of the company’s public narrative.

Elon Musk Axes Entire Tesla U.S. Marketing Team Over Lackluster Ads Sat, 27 Apr 2024 16:06:02 +0000 In a bold move that underscores the automaker’s unorthodox business strategies, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has dismissed the entire U.S. marketing team due to their production of what he deemed “generic” advertisements. The drastic decision affected 40 employees and reflected Musk’s ongoing critique of traditional marketing approaches within the automotive industry.

Sam Evans, known as the Electric Viking on YouTube, delved into the surprising layoffs, providing insights from his marketing background. According to Evans, Musk criticized the team for creating ads that “could have been for any car,” indicating a failure to distinguish Tesla’s unique brand identity in a competitive market. This critique comes despite Tesla’s reputation for innovative marketing tactics that have historically eschewed conventional advertising.

The timing of the layoffs coincides with a noticeable slump in Tesla’s sales, particularly evident in the first quarter performance results. Despite the recent establishment of a dedicated marketing department, prompted by pressure from Tesla investors early in 2024, the team’s efforts appeared insufficient in reversing the downturn in sales.

Evans pointed out the advertisements’ lack of a compelling call to action, suggesting that the marketing team’s conservative approach may have been a misfire. He speculated that the team’s strategy to play it safe, possibly influenced by a corporate culture of avoiding controversy, may have backfired, leading to their abrupt dismissal.

The impact of the layoffs extends beyond immediate staffing changes, raising questions about Tesla’s broader advertising strategy. Historically, Tesla has relied heavily on word-of-mouth and a robust referral program rather than traditional media advertising. Musk’s recent experiment with a small-scale advertising purchase on platforms like YouTube—where Tesla could capitalize on lower marketing rates—indicates a tentative step towards more conventional advertising avenues.

As Tesla phases out its marketing team in the U.S. while maintaining smaller teams in Europe and China, industry observers closely watch how these changes will affect Tesla’s brand strategy and market performance. Musk’s approach, often characterized by sudden strategic pivots, underscores his larger vision of streamlining operations and reducing costs, potentially at the expense of established marketing norms.

The broader implications of these layoffs are significant as Tesla navigates a challenging economic landscape marked by declining sales and increased competition. The decision to cut the U.S. marketing team is seen by many as a tactical move to reallocate resources more efficiently, aligning with Musk’s penchant for disruptive management practices. However, whether this strategy will pay dividends in enhancing Tesla’s market share and brand appeal remains to be seen.

Actualize Your Dream Business Today: How Can I Establish a Clothing Brand? Tue, 16 Apr 2024 18:23:10 +0000 Many people have big business dreams, but actualizing them has been challenging. While some might be held back by fear, starting a new business and watching it flourish all through is not a joke. Business establishment requires dedication and practical strategies that will help the business grow. One of the best industries you can invest in includes the fashion and clothing industry. As technological advancements continue to be unleashed each day, more and more business opportunities are created. Even though we have moved to the digital world in most aspects of business establishment, some traditional business processes are still vital, including building and planning your brand’s identity. Making excellent plans regarding your business will ensure you have a seamless and robust business establishment. If you dream of starting a clothing brand and do not know where to start, worry no more. This article will provide a detailed guide on how to start a clothing brand.

Determine Your Target Market

Who do you want to sell your clothes to? Understanding your target market is crucial since your clients are essential to your business branding and planning. Besides, knowing and understanding who you want to deal with is the ultimate step to establishing a good relationship with them. Also, understanding your target customers helps establish a robust brand identity and customize your business according to their needs. Some critical factors to consider when determining your target market include demographics, buying habits, location, market trends, and psychographics. Note that the location contains noting whether your potential customers are international, national, or local.

Establish a Business Model

A business model operates as the backbone of any new fashion brand. Besides, it entails a blueprint for how organizations earn revenue, deliver customer value, and manage. Additionally, a business model outlines the services or products the brand will offer, how it handles finances and logistics, and how to market. Selecting a suitable business model ensures smooth operations while shaping customer engagement and the production process. As a result, this influences your brand’s scalability, identity, and long-term success.

Moreover, developing a well-thought-out and detailed business model can make a significant difference between a lasting legacy and a fleeting trend. Some clothing business models you can utilize include dropshipping, do-it-yourself, print-on-demand, manufacturing in bulk, etc.

Develop a Clothing Business Plan

A business plan is critical for every fashion brand, whether new or already existing. Generally, a business plan entails a document that depicts your vision with practical steps. Therefore, it will guide your clothing brand from just a business idea to a thriving and tangible operation. Your clothing business plan will include product descriptions, how you will make profits, and your potential customers. This document also serves as a blueprint when you are searching for investors or partners to help the business grow. Your business plan should tackle various aspects, including market research, business structure, your services or products, finances, sales channels, pricing strategy, and a marketing plan.

Establish Your Brand Identity

A brand identity typically connects your business with your clients. Your business’s branding will influence how customers connect with your company and if it remains outstanding among competitors. Consequently, your brand depicts the standard of quality that you are offering your clients. Remember, building a strong brand identity will significantly impact customer trust and loyalty to your business.

Since anybody can start a clothesline, your brand helps differentiate your business from the others, thus making it outstanding, especially in this competitive fashion era. Ensure your brand is captivating to help attract potential customers to engage with it and make purchases.

Design Your Products

Designing your clothing business products will require first understanding the clothing production process. The clothing production process will essentially be influenced by the type of clothing business you desire to start. Nevertheless, each clothing production process will require entrepreneurs to follow some general steps, which include:

Creating your own clothing mockups and designs- You can learn more about fashion trends through fashion shows, magazines, and platforms like TikTok. This lets you know what your customers desire to add to their wardrobes.

Make Orders and test samples- after establishing your printing service, you also need to get samples of how your product designs will look. Thus, you can analyze them and make corrections where necessary.

Gather Collections

One of the best ways to keep your clothing brand aligned and fresh is by developing collections perfect for your customers. The collections allow you to depict your businesses’ adaptability to seasons and trends, thus keeping the customers excited and engaged. To begin with, you should consider the timing when developing your collections to help guide the color palettes, designs, and fabric choices. For instance, you can launch a streetwear brand during summer featuring vibrant colors and lightweight clothes. Ensure you plan your collections in advance to get everything done perfectly, including marketing campaigns.

Establish an Online Clothing Store

As we move to the digital world, so should your business. When setting up your online clothing store, it is best to ensure you follow several crucial steps to guarantee a seamless launch. To begin with, you must select a marketplace or e-commerce platform suitable for your budget and needs. Keep in mind aspects like customization options, ease of use, and built-in features that can help with clothesline management.

An online marketplace entails a website where business operators can list and sell their services and products. This means that your products will be displayed alongside those of other businesses. Here, you have little to no control over customer experience and branding since the marketplace has its own design and rules.

On the other hand, an e-commerce platform enables one to develop their individual store. As a result, you will have total control over the customer experience, layout, and branding. You can utilize an e-commerce platform to create your own business website, thus selling products to your customers directly.

Moreover, you should add videos and photos of your services or products to make it more efficient. Photos will allow your customers to know what they expect from their purchases.

Marketing Your Clothing Brand

Even if you have done all the other steps well, failure to market your clothing business could lead to total failure. Like any other business owner, you will want to see your business grow and flourish over the years of operation. However, gaining customers requires a lot of work and dedication, as well as showing them why they should buy your products. It would help if you had a sales and marketing strategy put together to help customers discover you and your products. You should also include measures encouraging customers to purchase from you, such as free samples, discounts, and promotions. It also advertises online and through various social media platforms. Create a business social media page for your business and dedicate it to business matters only. Also, remember to post consistently and reply to your customer’s queries, concerns, and issues, if any. It is best to focus and invest more in platforms that have your potential customers to turn the leads into sales. It would help if you also tried to get reviews from various customers buying from you to let you know what or where to improve.

Navigating the Convergence of Brand Building and Demand Generation at B2Believe NYC Mon, 15 Apr 2024 21:18:59 +0000 At the bustling LinkedIn Collective Studio in the heart of New York City, marketing professionals gathered for a pivotal session during the B2Believe conference. The session aimed to unravel the complexities of integrating brand building with demand generation in the modern digital landscape. Moderated by Rachel Rickles, Content Solutions Manager at LinkedIn, the panel featured Andrew Seidman, COO and Co-founder of Digital Reach Agency, and Emma Cowdray, Head of Client Solutions at WIRED Consulting.

The Evolution of Brand Building in a Digital Era

Emma Cowdray began the discussion by reflecting on the seismic shifts in marketplace dynamics over recent years, notably the digital revolution that has redefined traditional marketing strategies. “The marketplace has become predominantly digital, with platforms like LinkedIn transforming how we connect with audiences in real-time,” Cowdray explained. She emphasized the increased reliance on data analytics to drive personalization at scale, thereby enhancing consumer engagement through tailored content.

However, Cowdray also highlighted the challenges the digital age poses, such as the overwhelming proliferation of content. “Consumers today are bombarded with between 6,000 and 10,000 ads daily, which complicates the ability of brands to stand out,” she noted. This saturation has been further complicated by the advent of deepfakes and other AI-generated content, which blur the lines between authenticity and fabrication, particularly in critical times such as election seasons.

The Imperative of Brand Trust

Andrew Seidman shifted the conversation towards the strategic importance of building a trustworthy brand as a foundation for effective demand generation. In an era where technological advancements and macroeconomic factors like inflation and interest rate fluctuations make venture capital harder to secure, Seidman argued that marketing campaigns must cut through the noise and be economically viable.

“Efficiency and competitiveness in campaigns are more crucial than ever. With the rise of generative AI, the landscape is inundated with content, making it essential for brands to resonate profoundly with their audiences to achieve visibility,” Seidman stated. He stressed the need for brands to deeply understand their unique value propositions and ensure they are communicated clearly and compellingly to their target markets.

Integrating Brand and Demand

Discussing the mechanics of integrating brand building with demand generation, both speakers agreed that a profound understanding of one’s brand mission and values is essential before launching demand-generation initiatives. “You can’t capture demand effectively without a resonant brand identity,” Seidman elaborated, noting the challenges companies face when they lack strong brand recognition in their desired markets.

Cowdray shared insights into how WIRED Consulting helps clients navigate these waters: “We focus on helping brands find their authentic voice and use it to cut through the clutter. This involves innovative content strategies and aligning the brand’s core values with its market actions and communications.”

Measuring Success in Brand-Demand Synergy

The panel also tackled the complex topic of measurement, acknowledging the difficulty of quantifying brand impact compared to more direct demand-generation outcomes. “Traditional metrics like share of voice are valuable, but they need to be supplemented with new measures that reflect the nuanced ways brand strength influences market dynamics,” said Cowdray.

Seidman highlighted using advanced analytical tools that track engagement and resonance across various platforms, which is particularly useful in an account-based marketing framework. “Understanding where your brand stands in terms of market perception and engagement can significantly inform and optimize your demand-generation efforts,” he noted.

Forward-Looking Strategies

As the session drew to a close, the discussion underscored the importance of foresight and adaptability in crafting marketing strategies that withstand the test of time and technological change. Both Seidman and Cowdray emphasized the need for brands to be proactive rather than reactive, particularly in leveraging digital tools and platforms to maintain competitive advantage and relevance.

The insights from B2Believe NYC serve as a crucial reminder for marketing professionals. In an increasingly complex and saturated digital marketplace, the integration of robust brand building with strategic demand generation is not just beneficial but essential for long-term success. This holistic approach enhances immediate market presence and ensures sustained growth and customer loyalty in a rapidly evolving business environment.

Apple and Disney: A Synergistic Partnership Steering the Future of Tech and Entertainment Fri, 12 Apr 2024 14:53:50 +0000 In a world where technology intersects with creativity, few relationships are as pivotal or mutually beneficial as the one between Apple and Disney. This bond, forged at the intersection of innovation and imagination, has shaped both companies’ trajectories and set a benchmark for collaborations in technology and entertainment.

A recent report by CNET’s Bridget Carey examined this synergistic business adventure Apple and Disney have endured and where it will all go from here.

The Strategic Alliance

Apple and Disney have a storied relationship that extends beyond simple cooperation into realms of mutual dependency—especially at a time when Apple is navigating the complex waters of next-generation technology with its Vision Pro headset. The alliance, more a synergy of strengths, finds Apple leaning on Disney’s unparalleled creativity to flesh out the immersive environments that could define the future of virtual and mixed reality.

Last week’s exploration of Disney’s Imagineering campus revealed how deep these ties go. The campus, a hub of advanced technological research dressed in fancy, is home to high-end audio-animatronics and experimental technologies such as HoloTiles, which could revolutionize virtual reality experiences. This peek behind the curtain not only showcased Disney’s innovative spirit but also highlighted potential applications for Apple’s cutting-edge hardware.

A Legacy of Collaboration

The connection between Apple and Disney was significantly deepened by Steve Jobs, whose roles as Disney’s largest individual shareholder and a member of its board linked the two giants more closely. Jobs’ influence was vast, touching various aspects of Disney, from animation to theme parks. This relationship was further cemented when Disney’s CEO Bob Iger, a personal friend of Jobs, brought Pixar under Disney’s wing in a $7.4 billion acquisition in 2006, a move that Jobs facilitated as Pixar’s CEO.

Following the acquisition, the collaborations grew more strategic. Iger was instrumental in integrating Apple products with Disney content, heralding a new era where Disney movies and shows graced iTunes and helped define multimedia content consumption on mobile devices. This collaboration has continued to evolve, most recently incorporating Disney+ into Apple’s Vision Pro headset, allowing for immersive viewing experiences like watching Star Wars from the cockpit of Luke Skywalker’s Landspeeder.

Vision Pro and Beyond: The Role of Disney’s Creativity

As Apple’s Vision Pro ventures into the market, the role of content is more crucial than ever. The headset, which doubles as a luxurious Mac accessory, hinges on high-quality VR content to justify its price tag. Here, Disney’s creative prowess is not just an enhancement but a necessity. The potential for a “theme park at home” experience, where users can immerse themselves in Disney’s vast worlds and stories, could be a game-changer for Apple.

Moreover, Disney’s experimental projects like HoloTiles offer a glimpse into the future of interactive environments that could be adapted for personal use. Imagine a mixed reality setup where you can walk endlessly in a virtual world without ever leaving your home—this innovation could leap from Disney’s labs to our living rooms, with Apple providing the necessary hardware backbone.

The Broader Impact and Future Prospects

The implications of this partnership extend beyond individual products. As Apple and Disney push the boundaries of what’s possible in entertainment and technology, they set the stage for a broader paradigm shift in how we interact with digital content. Integrating VR, AR, and mixed reality into everyday experiences, tested and refined through platforms like the Vision Pro, could redefine entertainment, productivity, and social interaction.

The real test will be at Apple’s WWDC and subsequent releases. Will Disney continue to invest heavily in content that not only supports but enhances the capabilities of Apple’s hardware? Or will the Vision Pro languish as a niche product for tech enthusiasts? The answers to these questions will likely depend on how deeply Disney is willing to integrate its storytelling prowess with Apple’s technological innovations.

In Conclusion

As we stand on the brink of new technological horizons, the partnership between Apple and Disney is more than just a collaboration; it is a powerful alliance that could dictate the future of entertainment and technology. The blend of Apple’s hardware expertise and Disney’s narrative genius might be the key to unlocking an era where technology truly enhances every aspect of our digital lives. We now watch, wait, and wonder about the magic this partnership could bring to our fingertips.

Brand Consistency and Hyper-Personalization for Your Business Sun, 17 Mar 2024 20:00:14 +0000 Businesses should always be on the lookout for ways to keep their customers happy. If the customers are happy, engaged, and loyal, the business will do well. Two solid ways to do this is through brand consistency and hyper-specialization. Each of these are especially important today, where much of what a business does happens online.

Consistency, in this case, means that the business has a consistent appearance, message, and values across different platforms. Nowadays it’s important for a business to present the same across different social media platforms, advertisements, and websites. Imagine a brand which seems child friendly in some mediums but not others, that’s a big issue. 

The Power of Brand Consistency

Businesses which have consistent brands report 10% greater revenue. This is a great positive for businesses, but the negatives of not having consistent branding is even worse. Unclear image, slower sale cycles, and less market leads are all downsides to inconsistent branding. 

Of course these all make it clear branding is important, but likely even more important is hyper-personalization. Targeting is at the root of hyper-personalization, and that’s become an important and well used tool for any business. What makes hyper-personalization different is the use of browsing data, purchasing data, customer engagement, and AI powered statistics. In other words, hyper-personalization uses the internet to generate advanced statistics.

hyper-personalization is Companies that go use hyper-personalization to their customers report better results 86% of the time. A great example of a brand which hyper-specializes well is Netflix and any modern streaming platform. These platforms give people suggestions and a landing page to watch content form. These recommendations only get better year after year and keep people using Netflix. 

Even for brands which can’t specialize in the ways Netflix or Spotify can, it’s still an important tool. Starbucks, for example, has a hyper-specialized app which helps to increase revenue. The coffee provided itself isn’t changing, just the way that Starbucks gets people to order. This is where most modern businesses can find a way to hyper-specialize.

Overall 90% of customers find personalized content, even for advertisements, more appealing. A company which offers hyper-specialized experiences is going to be vastly preferred over the average company. Advertising itself even shows this as more specialized ads are far more successful when reaching the right audience.

So it’s now clear that both brand consistency and hyper-personalization and are important tools for a businesses success. These can even be targeted together in many cases. Focusing on one’s brand overall will likely lead to consistency and specialization increases. Spotify, for example, is known as a trendy, and culturally-relevant app which is used to listen to and share music. 

Spotify Wrapped is a great example of hyper-personalization. By showing the consumer how they use Spotify, they’re motivated to share and commit to it more in the future. Spotify’s logo and message has also remained the same across time and platforms. It helps people connect, it is cool to use, and it’s an easy way to listen to music.


It’s through the mastery of both of these aspects that Spotify is not only a well used but well liked platform. There are countless other examples, but that is the power of pairing brand consistency and hyper-specialization.

How Strong Brand Consistency Drives Brand Success
Source: BrandGuard ]]>
Brand Manager vs. Marketing Director: A Comparative Analysis Sun, 17 Mar 2024 18:37:08 +0000 In a recent online discourse, Rabeea Hasan, a seasoned brand expert and former Brand Manager at Procter & Gamble, articulated compelling arguments favoring brand management over traditional marketing roles. Drawing from her extensive experience in the industry, Hasan delved into the intricacies of both functions, shedding light on why she believes brand management offers a more rewarding and impactful career path.

Hasan’s discourse centered around two primary reasons why she champions brand management as a superior career choice. She emphasized, “Brand managers play a critical role in driving a business’s overall success. They are the architects of a company’s vision, strategies, and product lines, wielding considerable influence over critical decisions related to product lifecycle management, pricing strategies, and resource allocation.”

Furthermore, Hasan portrayed marketing roles as being primarily focused on amplifying the brand’s message and engaging with consumers through various channels. She remarked, “While marketing undoubtedly plays a crucial role in communicating the brand’s vision to the world, brand management serves as the foundational pillar upon which these marketing efforts are built.”

Hasan highlighted the distinct success metrics associated with brand management, stating, “Brand managers are evaluated based on their ability to drive growth in sales, revenue, and profit, thereby assuming ownership of the brand’s financial performance.” She emphasized the tangible link between brand performance and business outcomes, suggesting that this correlation often translates into higher compensation and faster career progression within the corporate hierarchy.

Moreover, Hasan underscored the transferability of skills and broader career prospects associated with brand management roles. She noted, “Unlike marketing, which often relies on mastery of specific tools and channels, brand management emphasizes skills such as commercial acumen, business strategy, data analysis, and problem-solving.” Hasan argued that these skills are highly portable and applicable across diverse industries and functions, empowering brand managers to pursue a range of career opportunities beyond the realm of marketing.

As Hasan’s discourse reverberates across the marketing landscape, professionals and aspiring marketers are prompted to reconsider their career trajectories and aspirations. In an era of rapid technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences, the distinction between brand management and marketing has never been more pronounced. Hasan’s passionate advocacy for brand management serves as a rallying cry for individuals seeking to make a meaningful impact in shaping the future of brands and businesses.

Navigating the Path to Brand Management: Insights from Industry Expert Rabeea Hasan Sun, 17 Mar 2024 13:51:13 +0000 Rabeea Hasan, founder & brand specialist at BRAG and formerly with P&G, shares invaluable insights gleaned from her illustrious career journey in a compelling discourse on navigating the complex world of brand management. Drawing from her extensive experience, including her tenure at a leading multinational corporation, Rabeea provides aspiring brand managers with a roadmap to success, illuminating the path forward with practical wisdom and strategic guidance.

As a founder and brand specialist, Rabeea Hasan brings a wealth of expertise and firsthand knowledge to her audience, offering a unique perspective on the nuances of brand management. Reflecting on her own trajectory, Rabeea recounts the challenges and triumphs that have shaped her professional journey, providing a relatable narrative for aspiring brand managers grappling with uncertainty and ambiguity.

“At the outset of my career, I encountered the daunting task of breaking into the field of brand management,” shares Rabeea, acknowledging the initial hurdles faced by newcomers in the industry. Undeterred by setbacks, Rabeea leveraged her passion for branding and marketing to carve a niche for herself, demonstrating resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

Central to Rabeea’s discourse is the importance of self-assessment and skill development as foundational pillars of success in brand management. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of their strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations, aspiring professionals can identify areas for growth and chart a course for personal and professional development.

“Building a strong foundation of skills is paramount for aspiring brand managers,” emphasizes Rabeea, highlighting the need for proficiency in areas such as commercial acumen, business analysis, and creative branding. Through a combination of formal education, practical experience, and continuous learning, individuals can cultivate a versatile skill set that positions them for success in the competitive landscape of brand management.

Navigating the intricate realm of certifications and educational qualifications, Rabeea offers pragmatic advice tailored to her audience’s diverse needs. While acknowledging the value of formal education and specialized certifications, she emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience and project-based learning in honing practical skills relevant to brand management roles.

“Crafting a compelling narrative is key to securing opportunities in brand management,” asserts Rabeea, underscoring the importance of articulating one’s unique value proposition during the interview process. By weaving together elements of past experiences, skill sets, and career aspirations, candidates can distinguish themselves as dynamic and strategic thinkers poised to drive brand success.

In conclusion, Rabeea extends a heartfelt invitation for further engagement and dialogue, fostering a spirit of mentorship and collaboration within the brand management community. As aspiring professionals embark on their journey, Rabeea’s guidance serves as a beacon of inspiration, guiding them toward their goals with clarity, confidence, and purpose.

In a rapidly evolving landscape characterized by innovation and disruption, Rabeea Hasan’s insights offer a roadmap for aspiring brand managers, empowering them to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and chart a course toward success in the dynamic field of brand management.

LinkedIn Gives Companies the Ability to Promote Member Content Thu, 14 Mar 2024 15:49:51 +0000 LinkedIn has made a major change, giving companies the option to promote organic content, not just content from their employees.

The new feature was added to Thought Leader Ads, giving advertisers the ability to sponsor any member content on any Page they manage. LinkedIn cites feedback stating that thought-leadership content is considered more trustworthy than a company’s marketing materials. At the same time, outside brand advocates can be a powerful voice for a company, making the ability to promote their content a desirable option.

LinkedIn describes how the new feature will work:

A brand will login to Campaign Manager to set up their Thought Leader Ad. Once logged in, they will have the option to search for the person (by name) – 1st or 2nd degree connection – or post (by URL) the content that they want to sponsor. The search will yield a list of posts from that member that the brand can sponsor. To help prevent content from being misused or promoted without consent, when a company selects a post to sponsor, the creator will receive a notification asking them to “approve” or “deny” the request. 

The company says the new feature will be available globally by the end of March 2024.

Love Bonito: Revolutionizing Asian Fashion for a Global Audience Wed, 13 Mar 2024 13:45:16 +0000 In an exclusive interview with Bloomberg, Deanne Song, the CEO of Love Bonito, shared insights into the company’s remarkable journey from its roots in Singapore to becoming the largest direct-to-consumer women’s wear brand in Southeast Asia. With a mission to uplift and inspire Asian women globally, Love Bonito has been making waves in the fashion industry since its inception 14 years ago.

Thriving Through Challenges:

Despite the tumultuous times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Love Bonito not only weathered the storm but thrived. With a solid omnichannel presence and a commitment to adaptability, the company experienced consistent growth of 40% yearly, a testament to its resilience and strategic vision.

Embracing Change:

As Love Bonito continues to evolve, Song revealed the company’s plans for rebranding and rethinking its strategy. With a focus on modernization and a nod to its Asian heritage, Love Bonito aims to elevate its brand identity while expressing gratitude and solidarity as a Singaporean brand. By infusing elements of Asian culture and embracing authenticity, Love Bonito seeks to resonate with a global audience seeking thoughtful, versatile clothing.

A Competitive Edge in Thoughtfulness:

In a crowded market dominated by giants like Zara and H&M, Love Bonito sets itself apart through its DNA of thoughtfulness in design. By prioritizing form, function, and comfort, the brand offers a unique proposition to women seeking versatile clothing that seamlessly transitions from day to night. With a clear target audience of multifaceted, busy women aged 30 to 48, Love Bonito caters to the needs of modern consumers seeking value and convenience.

Strategic Growth Plans:

Looking ahead, Love Bonito has ambitious plans for expansion, particularly in markets like Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. By doubling down on its efforts in these regions and leveraging its digital-first approach, Love Bonito aims to capitalize on its strong community and brand loyalty to drive growth. Additionally, the company sees brick-and-mortar stores as a relevant and efficient way to acquire new customers and expand its reach.

Sustainable Practices:

In line with growing concerns about sustainability and ethical sourcing, Love Bonito strongly emphasizes partnering with socially compliant factories. With BCI certification and a commitment to long-term partnerships, the company prioritizes responsible manufacturing practices while meeting high quality and compliance standards.

Future Outlook:

Despite the challenges posed by the global market, Love Bonito remains confident in its ability to thrive and grow. With a clear focus on innovation, sustainability, and customer-centricity, the company is poised to cement its position as a leading player in the global fashion landscape, catering to the diverse needs of women around the world.

As Love Bonito continues to make waves in the fashion industry, its journey inspires aspiring entrepreneurs and demonstrates the power of vision, resilience, and strategic thinking in achieving global success.

Feast for the Eyes: How Postmates Crafts Culinary Campaigns Sun, 10 Mar 2024 18:38:34 +0000 In the world of food delivery, standing out from the crowd is crucial. For David Kim, Executive Creative Director at Postmates, Biz Anderson from Mother LA, and Harry Butt, Creative Director at Nexus Design Studio, the challenge was clear: How do you differentiate Postmates, even within the Uber Eats behemoth?

“Even though we were acquired by Uber, we’re still a bit of a challenger brand in the category,” explains Kim. They got big, and the category got big. We wanted to get small.”

Their solution? Focus on the local markets and restaurants, harnessing the power of exclusive partners and merchants. But how do you translate the visceral experience of food into a brand campaign?

“We took some inspiration from that scene in Ratatouille,” Anderson reveals. “He eats this piece of food that sends this rush of memory. We love that notion that a single bite can be that visceral and emotional.”

Thus, the concept of “This is your brain on food” was born—a tagline that evokes the old anti-drug PSA language with a culinary twist.

“It’s really just like a pretty ridiculous experience of making it and wonderfully ridiculous ads, too,” Butt adds.

But translating these ideas into visuals was no small feat. The team tapped into animation to create a trippy, imaginative world where different foods evoke different emotions. From CG to 2D to claymation, each animation style was carefully chosen to match the experience of the food.

“We were very purposeful around selecting animation styles that felt right for the experience of that particular food,” explains Kim. “The challenge was to make sure that there was still a coherence through them all.”

And the result? A series of ads that capture the essence of food and seamlessly integrate merchants into the brand campaign, driving interest and engagement.

“It really functioned well as co-marketing for us and the merchants,” says Anderson. As a result, a lot of restaurants have now been coming to us asking to be included in our brand campaign.”

In the competitive world of food delivery, Postmates’ innovative approach to branding is setting them apart—and leaving customers hungry for more.

A Masterclass in Effective Product Marketing by Stanley Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:13:21 +0000 In the bustling market of 2024, where trends flicker and fade like sparks in the wind, who could have foreseen that the humble Stanley Cup would emerge as the emblem of cool? Yet, against all odds, this once utilitarian water bottle has become the must-have accessory, propelled into the limelight by the unlikely influencer, TikTok.

A journey that began in 1994, where the mere mention of Stanley Cups in the same breath as hot products of the future would have drawn laughter, has culminated in a staggering revenue surge for the company. From $74 million in 2019 to a staggering $750 million in 2023, the trajectory of Stanley’s success is nothing short of remarkable.

But beyond the numbers lies a masterclass in effective product marketing and the art of harnessing cultural momentum. As one observer notes, “with the Stanley Cup brand, you’re not just buying into a product, you’re buying into a community.” This sense of belonging, of being part of a tribe united by hydration, is a powerful draw that transcends mere utility.

With their blue-collar, utilitarian roots, Stanley Cups have managed to reinvent themselves for a new generation, thanks in no small part to the visionary leadership of Terrence Riley, the company’s president. Riley, no stranger to transforming the mundane into the desirable, previously worked his magic at Crocs, turning them into a fashion statement during his tenure as Chief Marketing Officer.

The secret to Stanley’s success lies not just in the quality of its products but also in its ability to cultivate a sense of exclusivity and community. Limited editions, scarcity, and the power of social commerce have all contributed to fueling the brand’s meteoric rise. While success has not been without its challenges, including instances of uncivilized behavior and concerns over product safety, Stanley remains undeterred.

In a world where brands vie for attention in an increasingly crowded marketplace, Stanley Cups have managed to cut through the noise by tapping into something deeper than mere consumerism. It’s not just about owning a product; it’s about being part of a movement, a cultural phenomenon that transcends boundaries.

As one industry insider muses, “We are all desperate to connect, belong, express who we are.” In Stanley Cups, many have found not just a water bottle, but a symbol of identity, belonging, and aspiration. And in a world where authenticity is currency, Stanley Cups are the real deal.

The Power Play of Brand Marketing in the Digital Age Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:41:13 +0000 In the vast and ever-evolving landscape of marketing, where every click and view can be meticulously tracked and analyzed, a crucial distinction emerges brand marketing versus direct marketing. This delineation, often overlooked in the cacophony of modern advertising, holds the key to understanding the strategies of giants like Google and Facebook and the nuanced dance between measuring success and crafting cultural narratives.

In a recent discussion, Seth Godin, renowned marketing expert and visionary, illuminated this fundamental divide. Drawing from his wealth of experience and insight, Godin unraveled the intricacies of these two distinct approaches and their profound implications for businesses and individuals alike.

“Direct marketing is measured marketing,” Godin declares emphatically. “If you can measure it, you’re going to act differently because you can see what happened Tuesday and change what you do on Wednesday.” This relentless pursuit of data-driven optimization has become the cornerstone of digital advertising, epitomized by the algorithmic prowess of tech titans like Google and Facebook.

Godin elucidates the mechanics behind this phenomenon, highlighting Google’s revenue model built entirely on the commodification of clicks. “Google gets all of its revenue 100% from people who are buying clicks that they measure,” he explains. This relentless pursuit of measurable outcomes fuels a relentless cycle of bidding and optimization, where every cent counts in the pursuit of digital real estate.

Yet, amidst this data-driven frenzy, Godin issues a sobering warning: the allure of direct marketing can be deceptive, leading to a race to the bottom where clicks reign supreme. “Sooner or later, direct marketing on the internet races to the bottom because you’re just trying to get a few clicks from a few people dumb enough to pay you something,” he cautions.

In contrast, brand marketing emerges as a beacon of storytelling and cultural resonance, transcending the mere metrics of clicks and views. “Brand marketing is where you put your store. Is it on the corner or in the middle of the block?” Godin muses. It’s a delicate dance between art and science, where the intangible essence of a brand holds sway over consumer perceptions.

Reflecting on Nike’s bold embrace of Colin Kaepernick, Godin extols the brand’s courage in standing for something beyond mere product sales. “Colin Kaepernick is a signal; he’s a symbol,” Godin asserts. In a divisive political climate, Nike’s unequivocal support for Kaepernick represents a calculated risk, yet one rooted in the brand’s ethos of standing for something larger than itself.

As the conversation unfolds, Godin’s insights shed light on the broader dynamics shaping the marketing landscape. From the relentless pursuit of data in direct marketing to the nuanced storytelling of brand marketing, a multifaceted portrait emerges, illuminating the complexities of modern advertising.

In an era defined by technological disruption and cultural upheaval, the age-old dichotomy between brand and direct marketing takes on renewed significance. As businesses and individuals navigate this ever-shifting terrain, Seth Godin’s wisdom serves as a guiding beacon, reminding us that amidst the sea of data, it is the power of storytelling and cultural resonance that ultimately endures.

Harnessing the Power of User-Generated Content for Brand Advocacy Tue, 05 Mar 2024 19:13:30 +0000 In the era of social media and digital connectivity, user-generated content (UGC) has proven to be a powerful tool for brand advocacy. From customer reviews and testimonials to photos and videos, UGC offers a wealth of authentic, relatable, and influential content that impacts a brand’s reputation, reach, and customer engagement. 

Almost any company can take advantage of it. For example, by integrating user-generated content into a learning management system, an LMS development company brings a huge benefit to the corporate training experience, engaging the employees and facilitating cooperation. It turns the education process into a collaborative experience rather than a lonely journey.

In this article, we would like to explore how brands can leverage user-generated content to foster brand advocacy and strengthen their relationship with their target audience.

Keep reading to learn more!

The Rise of User-Generated Content

With the prevalence of social media platforms and the democratization of content creation, user-generated content has experienced a tremendous surge. Consumers are now actively participating in the content creation process, sharing their experiences and opinions about companies and their products. This rise of UGC has been fueled by many factors, including the trust and authenticity associated with content created by real customers.

Let us showcase the benefits that user-generated content can bring to your company if you use it wisely.

Building Trust and Authenticity

Traditional advertising has become less effective in gaining consumers’ trust. People are increasingly skeptical of brand messaging and seek more authentic experiences. User-generated content provides an opportunity for companies to tap into the credibility and relatability of real customers. When users create and share content about a brand, it carries a level of trust and authenticity that traditional advertising simply cannot replicate.

Engaging and Empowering Brand Advocates

Within every customer base, there are brand advocates who are passionate about a particular brand or product. They can become powerful allies in generating user-generated content. Brands can identify and nurture these advocates, providing incentives and rewards for creating and sharing UGC. By engaging with them and fostering a sense of community, companies can empower their most loyal customers to become ambassadors for their brands.

Showcasing Customer Experiences

User-generated content allows brands to showcase real-life customer experiences. Whether it’s through photos, videos, or written testimonials, UGC provides a platform for customers to share their stories. By leveraging it, companies can demonstrate the benefits and features of their products in a more authentic and relatable manner. This helps potential customers envision themselves using the product and fosters trust in the brand.

Amplifying Reach and Brand Awareness

One of the key advantages of user-generated content is its potential for reach and virality. UGC is highly shareable, and when customers create and share content about a brand, it extends the brand’s reach to their social networks. Brands can harness the power of UGC by creating user-generated campaigns, encouraging the use of specific hashtags, and collaborating with influencers and ambassadors. These strategies help increase brand visibility, reach new audiences, and enhance awareness.

Enhancing Customer Engagement

User-generated content encourages active participation and interaction from customers. Companies can leverage UGC by organizing contests, challenges, and campaigns that prompt customers to create and share their content. This not only increases engagement but also fosters a sense of community and strengthens the bond between the brand and its customers. By responding to and acknowledging UGC, companies demonstrate their appreciation and build long-lasting relationships with their clients.

UGC as Social Proof

User-generated content serves as social proof for a brand’s products and services. When potential customers see real people sharing their positive experiences with a brand, it validates the brand’s credibility and fosters trust. Brands can incorporate UGC into their product pages, marketing materials, and social media platforms to provide social proof and reinforce their value proposition.

Managing and Moderating User-Generated Content

While user-generated content offers numerous benefits, it is important for companies to establish guidelines and policies to maintain quality and brand alignment. More specifically, they should monitor and moderate UGC to ensure it aligns with their values and resonates with their target audience. Additionally, brands need to be prepared to respond to negative or inappropriate UGC effectively, addressing concerns and maintaining a positive image.

Measuring Success and ROI

To evaluate the effectiveness of UGC campaigns, brands should define key performance indicators (KPIs) and track relevant metrics. Engagement metrics, reach, sentiment analysis, and conversion rates are some of the indicators that can help measure the success of UGC efforts. By analyzing the data and feedback, companies are able to make informed decisions, iterate their UGC strategies, and optimize their impact.

Best Practices for UGC Campaigns

To maximize the potential of user-generated content, we recommend following these best practices:

  • Set clear objectives and identify the target audience for UGC campaigns.
  • Provide clear guidelines and instructions for UGC creation.
  • Regularly evaluate and iterate UGC strategies based on data and feedback.

Wrapping Up

User-generated content has revolutionized brand advocacy, offering companies an authentic and influential way to engage with their customers. By leveraging the power of UGC, brands can build trust, amplify their reach, enhance customer engagement, and create social proof. 

However, effective management and moderation of UGC are essential to maintaining quality and brand alignment. With careful planning, measurement of success, and adherence to best practices, brands can harness the power of user-generated content to foster brand advocacy and create meaningful connections with their target audience.

TrenDemon CEO: We Connect Content Marketing to Sales Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:03:45 +0000 The CEO of TrenDemon, Avishai Sharon, says that they created their cloud-based software solution in order to help companies prove that the marketing content they produced also achieved business goals and sales. In order to show this correlation, the TrenDemon software analyzes all of the different touchpoints the customer has had over his lifecycle and then reverse engineers those successful journeys in order to find out what content is working.

Avishai Sharon, Co-founder & CEO of TrenDemon, discussed their software on ILTV:

How Do You Connect Content Marketing to Sales?

My personal background was heading a marketing agency for many years and one of my biggest struggles was how do I prove our value and our effort to our customers and how do you connect the impact of what we call content marketing to business goals and to sales? When we couldn’t find an easy way to show that correlation three and a half years ago we went ahead and founded TrenDemon to help companies do just that.

We connect their marketing efforts, which today rely mostly on content, you want your audience to consume valuable content, as opposed to just advertising. The big challenge is how do you attribute those efforts to sales? There’s actually a prior problem, how do you actually map the customer journey? How do you track those different touch points into one picture?

Reverse Engineering Successful Customer Journeys

The first thing we do is look at all the different touchpoints that a customer has had over his lifecycle. We ask the question, not just where do they come from, but how deep was their engagement? Did they actually watch the video? Did they actually read the article? Then you can start reverse engineering those successful journeys and say what’s common about all of these successful journeys.

What we found, and this is the interesting thing, we’re working with over 90 companies today worldwide and the vast majority of content the companies produce, over 90 percent, is ineffective at driving business goals. As you guys know it’s very expensive to create quality content and it takes a lot of effort.

If People Read the Right Content They Will Covert to a Sale

The second interesting thing is that if you do manage to find those 10 percent and you find a way to get it in front of the right people you’re actually able to improve dramatically your results. So there’s not just a correlation between what buyers did beforehand, there’s also a causation, a causal relationship, that if people read the right content at the right time they’re more likely to follow a path. We’re not probably as sophisticated as we believe that we are.

We’re a SaaS company, a cloud-based solution. We’re working a lot in the US and one of our biggest markets and growing markets is Japan. They’re investing a lot of content and a lot on technology. Essentially, because we look at the customer journey and not necessarily specific languages we can operate in any environment which allows us to grow pretty much anywhere. As long as they have content, which means that they’re producing something other than just advertising, they want people and audiences to actually engage with what they’re producing and they do have some business outcomes that they’re looking to measure.

About TrenDemon:

Founded in 2013, TrenDemon is the world’s leading content marketing attribution and optimization solution, helping marketers prove and improve their content’s impact.

TrenDemon insights can help you uncover your content marketing ROI, impact on business goals, and engagement to help guide the content strategy. Our optimization units will help you increase conversions and shorten time to convert on your owned assets.

TrenDemon proudly serves a wide range of customers, from Fortune 500s and brands to SaaS, B2B, and financial companies and is backed by leading VCs.
